
Judy Leighton

Judy Leighton, a pain and stress consultant, after an answer to her prayer, she felt spiritually guided to develop a new stress-reduction method in 1985 — the Sunshine Method.

In 1984-85, she gradually became unable to walk, drive, write her name,
or play the piano anymore because of
debilitating physical
pain of a mixed connective tissue-autoimmune disease with no known cure.

Judy developed a relaxation exercise which she did every two hours throughout the day.
Unexpectedly, she was able to free herself from horrifying flashbacks of fear
and pain she had suffered nearly her whole life.

She was free of the past fear and pain from her flashbacks in ten days
and surprisingly was healed from her
illness after two more weeks.

Because the Sunshine Method addresses many fronts
all at the same time, this might aid you to more quickly recognize
and release
yourself from many interwoven mental and emotional traps  —
those “binds”
that may have kept you stuck in inner and outer conflicts.

This method may also aid you in more quickly accepting
you are
100-percent valuable (healthy self-worth)
and might also assist you to more rapidly release and remove
past fear, pain, and guilt, etc. from your memories.

Then you may more easily feel greater inner peace and make
many more healthy and wise choices. Later, she felt spiritually guided to develop
worksheets to be used in the process, which are mentioned below.

As a guest consultant, Judy has demonstrated the method
at medical centers.  She has presented weekly public seminars
at a psychiatric hospital, at churches and senior centers.

She also has
conducted private sessions.

Dr. David A. Baron, psychiatrist, MSEd, DO, DLFAPA, DFACN,
made it possible for Judy to be a guest consultant in medical
treatment centers. From 1987-2017, he gave continuous support
and valuable suggestions as a consultant. He also wrote the
introductions for two of Judy Leighton’s books.

Dr. Baron was medical director and psychiatrist-in-chief
of Kirkbride Center in Philadelphia, PA; and chief of psychiatry,

Keck Hospital, USC, Los Angeles.

Also, Dr. Baron was professor, Department of Psychiatry,
and assistant dean, International Relations,
Keck School of Medicine at USC, Los Angeles.

In 2018, Dr. Baron did a Fulbright, and left USC
to become Provost of Western University, Ca in 2019.

Then he stepped down to become a tenured professor
and run a Center, working with Stanford and a few countries.
In 2023, he was made a research Professor at Claremont Graduate University, Ca.

A wide variety of young people
and adults have benefited from using Judy’s method
pain and stress relief (those with cancer,
other chronic diseases, abuse, panic attacks, eating disorders,
addictions, and learning disabilities and those who have
attempted suicide). The method also benefits those with the
problems and stress of everyday life and may also benefit
those who have just been charging their way through life.

This astoundingly powerful
spiritual method is easy to apply. It also
using a Self-worth Exercise and Self Evaluation worksheets that might aid you
to more quickly see and release your many mental and emotional traps.
The method also includes silently repeating
patterns of connected thoughts and feelings
which may address and resolve many issues at once.
This might assist you in feeling safe enough to think more clearly
in order to make many more healthy and wise choices
and follow through with them.
The messages and worksheets with instructions of this Sunshine Method
are in the appendices of her three books.

Judy’s first book is A Path to Light:
How to Not Not Make Healthy Choices
in 2000 (revised in 2017),

followed by Whispers in the Wilderness: Finding Treasures of the Heart
in 2002 (revised in 2017). Her third book, Journey into Light:
Experience the
Sunshine Method, was published in 2017.

In April 1989, Judy Leighton fulfilled her dream
of performing as solo pianist with a symphony orchestra and choirs.
Here she receives applause after performing a benefit concert
with the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony (conducted by Joel Lish)
and five interfaith choirs, performing Beethoven’s “Choral Fantasy.”